How to Fix No Music Available on Instagram Reel

 Instagram is a social media platform that allows users to share videos, photos and interact with others through likes, comments, and direct messaging. In addition to sharing photos and videos, Instagram also offers a range of features, such as filters and editing tools, to help users enhance their content.

Instagram Reels is a feature on Instagram that allows users to create and share short-form videos, similar to TikTok. Many users use Reels to share fun, entertaining videos, while others use them to showcase their talents or promote their businesses. However, most users have recently faced no music on their Instagram reels while playing them. Fortunately, there are a few solutions to fix them.

What Causes Instagram Reels to Have No Music?

The Instagram music may not play while the Reel is being played back. This could be due to various reasons, such as a problem with the app, a temporary issue with the user’s internet connection, or a problem with the song itself. It’s also possible that the Reel was created without any music, in which case it wouldn’t play any music while it is being played back.

Fix No Music Available on Instagram Reel

Instagram reel no music is a common issue that will be easily resolved by following a few solutions in the right way. If you face no music available on the Instagram reel, you can easily fix them by following some methods. Here you can easily fix them by taking the below steps.

Fix 1: Close and Reopen the App

You can easily fix the issue if no music is available on your Instagram reel. You can start with a simple way to fix which works wonders. However, close the Instagram app and remove it from the recently opened tabs and clear the history and reopen the Instagram app again. It helps you to get the music back on your Instagram reel. If closing and reopening the app does not solve the issue, then move on to another solution to fix them.

Fix 2: Restart Your Device

The other thing to resolve the music issue on the Instagram reel is restarting the device. Sometimes, Instagram is accidentally filled with bugs and issues, and this causes you to face some problems. However, restarting the device fixes minor issues and bugs on your device. Most users solve their problems by restarting the device. You can also restart your device to fix the problem. Hold the power button for 10 seconds to restart your device, and choose the “Restart” option. It will automatically restart your device.

Fix 3: Update the Instagram App

If restarting the device does not fix your Instagram reel’s music issue, it has another issue. If your Instagram app is not updated or outdated, it also causes no music on the Instagram reel. Sometimes an outdated version of an app creates minor issues, which creates problems for the app. You can update your Instagram app to fix the issue. To update the Instagram app, follow the below steps.

On Android:

  1. Go to the Play Store and tap on “Manage apps and devices.”
  2. Here tap on “Updates available.”

    3. Scroll down and select the Instagram app.

    4. If you see the updates. Tap on it to start the updatE

5. If you can’t find Instagram in the list, that means you are already on the latest version of Instagram.

6. After the update, open the app and check the music is playing on the Instagram reel page.

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